Invited Speakers



Pr Ahmed Djebbar 

Lille University of Science and Technology

              Mathematician and researcher in the history of science at the Paul Painlevé laboratory (CNRS). He specializes in the mathematics of the Muslim West. He is also Professor of the History of Mathematics at Lille University of Science and Technology. He is the author of a large number of books, including: Une histoire de la science arabe, L'Algèbre arabe, genèse d'un art, L'Âge d'or des sciences arabes, Les Sciences arabes en Afrique : mathématiques et astronomie. He was scientific curator of the exhibition "L'âge d'or des sciences arabes" at the Institut du monde arabe in Paris in 2005. He was Minister of National Education in Algeria. He is a member of the scientific council of the National Institute for Redearch in Education 2022.







Pr   Elena Nardi

   School of Education and Lifelong Learning

   of the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK.

        Elena Nardi is Professor of Mathematics Education. Her research is in a range of areas of mathematics education, with a particular emphasis on: the teaching and learning of mathematics at university level; affect in mathematics; secondary mathematics teachers’ epistemological and pedagogical discourses; and, public discourses about mathematics/mathematicians and science/scientists. She is the leader of the Research in Mathematics Education (RME) at UEA and Course Director of the MA Mathematics Education.






                                                      Pr Gonzalez-Martin Alejandro                                           

          Faculty of Education

               University of Montreal, Canada


          Alejandro González-Martín is a full professor in the Department of Didactics at the Université de Montréal, and his expertise spans several key areas. He explores the didactics of calculation and analysis, as well as the crucial role of mathematics in STEM training, particularly in engineering. His work also encompasses in-depth textbook analysis and the evaluation of post-secondary mathematics curricula. His groundbreaking research, supported by prestigious grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, has shed light on topics such as the mathematical needs of engineers and the analysis of teaching practices. As head of master's programs and microprograms in teaching, he is training the next generation of skilled mathematics educators.





          Dr Irene Biza   

School of Education and Lifelong Learning

of the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK.


         Irene Biza is Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the School of Education and Lifelong Learning of the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK. She completed her undergraduate (BSc in Mathematics) and postgraduate (MSc and PhD in Mathematics Education) studies at the Mathematics department of the University of Athens, Greece. She worked for several years as mathematics teacher and as research/development officer in Greece before joining academia in the UK. Irene Biza’s research is in the area of Mathematics Education with a focus on the mathematical learning at the university and upper secondary level, the pedagogical use of digital resources, mathematics teachers’ mathematical and pedagogical discourses, mathematics lecturer’s pedagogical practices and communities of practice in university mathematics.  She is a member of the Research in Mathematics Education group at UEA and the leader of MathTASK, a collaborative research and development programme in the UK, Brazil and Greece on mathematics teachers’ pedagogical and mathematical discourses. 





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